Thursday, December 2, 2010

कुछ तुम कहो... कुछ हम कहे...

कुछ तुम कहो...
कुछ हम कहे...
सिलसिला सदा चलता रहे..
है फिर भी कितनी...
अनकही बाते...
हर पल मन मचलता रहे..
दूर हो हम...
या पास रहे...
दिल तो फिर भी तड़पता रहे...
कुछ तुम कहो...
कुछ हम कहे...
सिलसिला सदा चलता रहे..

द्वारा - सौरभ बजाज

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

कि तेरा ज़िक्र है, या इत्र है...

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कि तेरा ज़िक्र है, या इत्र है...
जब जब करता हूँ...
महकता हूँ...
बहकता हूँ...
चहकता हूँ...
तेरी फ़िक्र है, या फक्र है...
जब जब करता हूँ...
मचलता हूँ...
उछलता हूँ...
फिसलता हूँ...
पागल की तरह,
मस्तियों में टहलता हूँ...
कि तेरा ज़िक्र है, या इत्र है...

Monday, November 29, 2010


I am Breathless...

कोई जो मिला तो मुझे ऐसा लगता हैं...
जैसे मेरी सारी दुनिया मैं गीतों की रुत...
और रंगों की बरखा है खुश्बू की आँधी है...
महकी हुई सी अब सारी फ़िज़ाए हैं...
बहकी हुई सी अब सारी हवाएँ हैं...
खोई हुई सी अब सारी दिशाएं हैं...
बदली हुई से अब सारी अदाएँ हैं...
जागी उमंगे हैं, धड़क रहा है दिल...
सपनों मे तूफान हैं, होठों पे नगमे हैं...
आखों मैं सपने हैं, सपनों मैं बीते हुए...
से वो सारे लम्हे हैं...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Dhobi Ghat (Mumbai Diaries) - Official Trailer

It looks very promising... Somehow the Mumbai life enthralls me always... I am also waiting for the movie "Shantaram", the book was awesome...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

एक सोच...

"  कई दिन बीत गये पर कोई विचार ना मैं लिख पाया...
कई एहसासो से गुजर गये पर किसी से मैं ना कह पाया...
इस तरह लग रहा अब मन में जैसे..
जीवन की इस दौड़ में सदा खुद को व्यस्त पाया...  "

कहते है की इंसान को सबसे ज़्यादा तकलीफ़ होती हैं अपने आपको किसी चीज़ के लिए सक्षम बनाने के लिए | उससे ज़्यादा तकलीफ़ होती है सक्षम होने के बावजूद बिना किसी रुकावट के अपने पथ पर आगे बढ़ने के लिए, अपने सपनो को पूरा करने के लिए | पिछले कई दिनों में मैने ये महसूस किया है की इंसान अपने सपनो की सीमा को हमेशा आगे बढ़ाता रहता है | और माना जाए तो आज के इस प्रतिस्पर्धा के युग में ऐसा होना भी चाहिए | पर क्या वो इंसान अपने निर्णय सिर्फ़ अपनी योग्यता और अपने आत्म-विश्वास के बल पर ले पाता है? आज की इस गलाकाट प्रतियोगिता में हर इंसान अपने आप को दूसरे से उपर देखना चाहता है | हार-जीत की दौड़ में वो अपनी मानवीयता को खोता जा रहा है और वो स्वार्थी होता जा रहा है | वो हमेशा दूसरो से "उम्मीद" करता रहता है पर क्या वो स्वयं दूसरो की "उम्मीद" पर खरा उतर पाता है ?? अगर ईंसान खुश रहना चाहता है तो उसे अपने शब्दकोष मैं से "उम्मीद" शब्द हटा देना चाहिए | जो उम्मीद नही करता, उसे कोई तकलीफ़ नही होती | उम्मीद करना है तो खुद से करो, खुद अपने आप को दुनिया के सामने इस तरह प्रस्तुत करो की उसे भी तुमसे कोई उम्मीद की शिकायत ना रहे | हमें सीखना चाहिए उस नन्हे से फूल से जो जीवन पर्यंत दूसरो की खुशी के लिए जीवित रहता है और जिसके मुरझाने के बाद इंसान उसे देखता भी नही | फिर भी वो झड़ने के बाद और नये फूलों के जन्म के लिए पराग कण छोड़कर जाता है |  महादेवी वर्मा ने इन पंक्तियो मे पुष्प-जीवन और मानव-जीवन को एकदम सही रूप में वर्णित किया है -

"   कर दिया मधु और सौरभ दान सारा एक दिन...
किंतु रोता कौन है तेरे लिए दानी सुमन...
मत व्यथित हो फूल, सुख किसको दिया संसार ने...
स्वार्थमय सबको बनाया है यहाँ करतार ने...

विश्व मे हे फूल! सबके हृदय तू भाता रहा....
दान कर सर्वस्व फिर भी हाय! हर्षाता रहा...
जब न तेरी ही दशा पर दुख हुआ संसार को...
कौन रोएगा सुमन! हम से मनुज नि: सार को...  "

ये विचार पूर्णत: तात्कालिक है और किसी विशेष बात से संबंधित नहीं हैं |

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Asking For Forgiveness...

I ask for your kind forgiveness, if knowingly or unknowingly I have hurt you (directly or inderctly) by any of my words, thoughts or actions in the past one year.
To forgive is divine.
"vigat varsh me mere dwara yadi man, vachan ya kay ke madhyam se aapko pratyaksh ya apratyaksh roop se koi bhi chot pahoonchi ho, to mein haath jodkar aapse uske liye kshma yachna akarta hoon."
Kshama Parmodharma, Uttam Kshama...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Uttam Brahmacharya (Supreme Celibacy)

It is the tenth and last day of Paryushan Parv or Dash Lakshan Dharm.

Brahmacharya means Celibacy; This means not only refraining from sexual intercourse but also includes all pleasures associated with the sense of touch, e.g. a cool breeze on a hot summers day or using a cushion for a hard surface. Again this dharma is practiced to keep our desires in check.

Brahmacharya is derived from the word Brahma - soul and charya to dwell. Brahmacharya means to dwell in your soul. Only by residing in the soul. Only by residing in the soul are you the master of the Universe. Residing outside your soul makes you a slave to desires.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Uttam Akinchan (Supreme Non-attachment)

It is the ninth day of Paryushan Parv or Dash Lakshan Dharm.

Akinchan means Non-attachment; This assists us in detaching from external possessions. Historically ten possession are listed in our scriptures: "land, house, silver, gold, wealth, grain, female servants, male servants, garments and utensils" Remaining unattached from these helps
control our desires and leads to an influx of punya karmas.

This assists us in being unattached from our internal attachments: false belief, anger pride, deceit, greed, laughter, liking, disliking, lamentation, fear, disgust, sexual desire. Ridding the soul of these leads to its purification.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Uttam Tyag (Supreme Renunciation)

It is the eigth day of Paryushan Parv or Dash Lakshan Dharm.

Tyag means Renunciation; Contrary to popular belief, renouncing worldly possessions leads to a life of contentment and assists in keeping desires in check. Controlling desires lead to an influx of punya karma. Renunciation is done at the highest level by our monks who renounce not only the household but also their clothes. A person's strength is measured not by the amount of wealth he accumulates but by the amount of wealth he renounces. By this measure our monks are the richest. Renouncing the emotions, the root cause of misery, is Uttam Tyag, which is only possible by contemplating on the true nature of the soul.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Uttam Tap (Supreme Penance)

It is the seventh day of Paryushan Parv or Dash Lakshan Dharm.

Tap means Penance; This does not only mean fasting but also includes a reduce diet, restriction of certain types of foods, avoiding tasty foods, etc. The purpose of penance is to keep desires and passions in control. Over-indulgence inevitable leads to misery. Penance leads to an influx of punya karmas. Meditation prevents the rise of desires and passions in the soul. In a deep state of meditation the desire to intake food does not arise. Our first Tirthankara, Adinath Bhagwan was in such a meditative state for six months. The only food he consumed during these six months was the happiness from within.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Uttam Sanyam (Supreme Self-Restraint)

It is the sixth day of Paryushan Parv or Dash Lakshan Dharm.

Sanyam means Self-Restraints;

i) Restraining from injury to life - Jains go to great lengths, compared to other world religions, to protect life. This encompasses all living beings, from one-sensed onwards. The purpose of not eating root vegetables is that they contain countless one-sensed being termed "nigod". During Paryushan the Jain also do not eat green vegetables to reduce harm to the lower sensed beings.

ii) Self restraint from desires or passions - These lead to pain and are therefore to be avoided. Emotions, e.g. likes, dislikes or anger leads to misery and need to be eradicated. They are not part of the true nature of the soul and only arise when the soul is in a state of false belief. The only method to free oneself from these is to contemplate on the true nature of the soul and in the process commence the journey to liberation.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Uttam Satya (Supreme Truth)

It is the Fifth day of Paryushan Parv or Dash Lakshan Dharm.

means Truth; If talking is not required, then do not talk. If it is required then only use the minimum of words, and all must be absolutely true. Talking disturbs the stillness of the mind. Consider the person who lies and lives in fear of being exposed. To support one lie he has to utter a hundred more. He becomes caught up in a tangled web of lies and is seen as untrustworthy and unreliable. Lying leads to an influx of paap karma.

Satya comes from the word sat, which means existence. Existence is a quality of the soul. Recognizing the soul's true nature as it really exists and taking shelter in the soul is practicing Satya Dharma.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Uttam Shauch (Supreme Contentment)

It is the Fourth day of Paryushan Parv or Dash Lakshan Dharm.

Shauch means Contentment; Be content with the material gains that you have accomplished thus far. Contrary to popular belief, striving for greater material wealth and pleasure will not lead to happiness. Desire for more is a sign that we do not have all that we want. Reducing this desire and being content with what we have leads to satisfaction. Accumulating material objects merely fuels the fire of desire.

Contentment or happiness, derived from material objects, is only perceived to be so by a soul in a state of false belief. The fact is that material objects do not have a quality of happiness and therefore happiness cannot be obtained from them! The perception of "enjoying" material object is indeed only that -a perception! This perception rewards the soul with only misery and nothing else. Real happiness comes from within, as it is the soul that possesses the quality of happiness.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Uttam Arjav (Supreme Straightforwardness)

It is the third day of Paryushan Parv or Dash Lakshan Dharm.

Arjav means Straightforwardness, The action of a deceitful person is to think one thing, speak something else and do something entirely different. There is no harmony in his thought, speech and actions. Such a person loses credibility very quickly and lives in constant anxiety and fear of his deception being exposed. Being straight-forward or honest oil the wheel of life. You will be seen to be reliable and trustworthy. Deceitful actions leads to the influx of paap karmas.

Delusion about one's identity is the root cause of unhappiness. Be straightforward to yourself and recognize your true nature. Only by practicing Arjav Dharma one will taste the true happiness that comes from within.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Uttam Mardav (Supreme Humility)

It is the second day of Paryushan Parv or Dash Lakshan Dharm.

Märdav means Modesty / Humility; Wealth, good looks, reputable family or intelligence often lead to pride. Pride means to believe one to be superior to others and to look down on others. By being proud you are measuring your worth by temporary material objects. These objects will either leave you or you will be forced to leave them when you die. These eventualities will cause you unhappiness as a result of the "dent" caused to your soft-worth. Being humble will prevent this. Pride also leads to the influx of the bad deed or paap karmas.

All souls are equal, none being superior or inferior to another. All souls have the potential to be liberated souls. The only difference between the liberated souls and those in bondage is that the former have attained liberation as a result of their effort. With effort, even the latter can achieve liberation.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Uttam Kshama (Supreme Forgiveness)

It is the first day of Paryushan Parv or Dash Lakshan Dharma (Ten virtues of religion). The Dharmas are well prefixed by the word "Uttam" (Supreme) to signify that they are practiced at the highest level by the Jain monks. The householder practices them to a lesser extent.

Kshama means Forgiveness, We forgive those who have wronged us and seek forgiveness from those we have wronged. Forgiveness is sought not just from human colleagues, but from all living beings ranging from one sensed to five sensed. If we do not forgive or seek forgiveness but instead harbor resentment, we bring misery and unhappiness on ourselves and in the process seeking forgiveness oils the wheel of life allowing us to live in harmony with our fellow beings. It also attracts punya karma.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Paryushan Parv... (Dash Lakshan Dharma)

The word “Parva” means auspicious day. "Paryushan Parv" are the most auspicious days for the Jain followers. There are different meaning of "Paryushan":

1. Pari + ushan = all directions + to stay closer i.e. To stay closer to our own soul from all directions. To stay absorbed in our own-self (soul), we do Svädhyäya (self-study), meditation, austerities, etc.,

2. Pari + ushan = all kinds + to burn i.e. to burn (shed) our all types of karmäs. To shed our karmäs, we do twelve different types of austerities including fasting.

3. Pari + upshamanä = upshamanä means to suppress, to suppress our passions (kashäyas - anger, ego, deceit and greed) from all directions.
Therefore, the real purpose of the Paryushan is to purify our soul by staying closer to our own soul, to look at our own faults, to ask for forgiveness for the mistakes we have committed, and take vows to minimize our faults. We try to forget about the needs of our body (like food) and our business so that we can concentrate on our-self.
Digambars celebrate Dash-Lakshanä Parva for ten days starting from Rishi Panchami to Anant Chaurdashi. They celebrate ten best characteristics of the soul: Kshamä (forgiveness), Märdav (Humility), Ärjav (straightforwardness), Shauch (content - absence of greed), Satya (truth), Sanyam (restraint of all senses), Tapa (austerities), Tyäga (charity), Äkinchan (non-possessiveness) and Brahmachärya (celibacy).

courtesy -

Thursday, July 15, 2010

तुम चैन हो.. करार हो...

With the dedication of this song from movie "Milenge Milenge", I would like to introduce "Priyanka" my dream-girl, better-half, would-be, life partner :-)

तुम चैन हो...
करार हो...
मेरा इश्क़ हो...
मेरा प्यार हो...

बरसो किया जिसका मैने ...
तुम वही इंतेज़ार हो...

तुम चैन हो...
करार हो...
मेरा इश्क़ हो...
मेरा प्यार हो...

मुझसे सनम तुम इतनी मोहब्बत करो...
के सारा ज़माना जल जाए...

अरमान बढ़े इस दिल में ठहरे हुए ...
यह दिल तुम्हें कैसे समझाए...
मेरा ख्वाब हो...
मेरी याद हो...
तुम मेरा ऐतबार हो...

तुम चैन हो...
करार हो...
मेरा इश्क़ हो...
मेरा प्यार हो...

हर फासला मेरे दर्द को...
करता बयाँ...
तुम इन धड़कनो में हो हर घड़ी...
कहने लगी खामोशियाँ...
ऐ ज़ानेजान है मुझको उम्मीदे तुमसे बड़ी...

महका गई जो मेरी ज़िंदगी...
तुम यारा वोही बाहर हो...

तुम चैन हो...
करार हो...
मेरा इश्क़ हो...
मेरा प्यार हो...

तुम चैन हो...
करार हो...
मेरा इश्क़ हो...
मेरा प्यार हो...
मेरा इश्क़ हो...
मेरा प्यार हो...
मेरा इश्क़ हो...
मेरा प्यार हो ...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


अंतर्मन की गहराई मे झाँक तो तू जरा,
कितना द्वेष, छल-कपट इसमे है भरा,
हर कोई हैं सिर्फ़ स्व-सम्मान से ही घिरा,
परंतु दूसरो की परवाह करे कोई निरा...
अथाह दुख और पीड़ा से भरा ये संसार,
कर रहा हर मानव-अंश हाहाकार,
सुनो जरा अपने मन की चीत्कार,
किसी पर क्यूँ करे अब कोई ऐतबार ??? 

~ सौरभ बजाज

Friday, March 26, 2010

आरंभ है प्रचंड...

Listening this song repeatedly for last few days, Probably to increase the brutality and fearsomeness in my soul.

Listen it here.

आरंभ है प्रचंड,बोले मस्तको के झुंड
आज ज़ंग की घड़ी की तुम गुहार दो
आरंभ है प्रचंड,बोले मस्तको के झुंड
आज ज़ंग की घड़ी की तुम गुहार दो
आन बान शान या की जान का हो दान
आज एक धनुष के बाण पे उतार दो
आरंभ है प्रचंड,बोले मस्तको के झुंड
आज ज़ंग की घड़ी की तुम गुहार दो
आन बान शान या की जान का हो दान
आज एक धनुष के बाण पे उतार दो
आरंभ है प्रचंड

मन करे सो प्राण दे, जो मन करे सो प्राण ले
वही तो एक सर्व शक्तिमान है
ईश्र की पुकार है यह भागवत का सार है
की युद्ध ही तो वीर का प्रमाण है
कौरवो की भीड़ हो या पाण्डवो का नीर हो
जो लड़ सका है वो ही तो महान है
जीत की हवस नही, किसी पे कोई वश नही
क्या ज़िंदगी है ठोकरो पे मार दो
मौत अंत है नही तो मौत से भी क्यूँ डरे?
यह जाके आसमान में दहाड़ दो
आरंभ है प्रचंड,बोले मस्तको के झुंड
आज ज़ंग की घड़ी की तुम गुहार दो
आन बान शान या की जान का हो दान
आज एक धनुष के बाण पे उतार दो
आरंभ है प्रचंड

हो दया का भाव या की शौर्य का चुनाव
या की हार का वो घाव तुम यह सोच लो
या की पूरे भाल भर जला रहे विजय का लाल
लाल यह गुलाल, तुम यह सोच लो
रंग केसरी हो या मृदंग केसरी हो या की
केसरी हो लाल तुम यह सोच लो

जिस कवि की कल्पना में ज़िंदगी हो प्रेम गीत
उस कवि को आज तुम नकार दो
भीगती नसो में आज, फूलती रगो में आज
आग की लपट का तुम बघार दो
आरंभ है प्रचंड,बोले मस्तको के झुंड
आज ज़ंग की घड़ी की तुम गुहार दो
आन बान शान या की जान का हो दान
आज एक धनुष के बाण पे उतार दो
आरंभ है प्रचंड
आरंभ है प्रचंड
आरंभ है प्रचंड
होये होये होये

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I am very bad in keeping up with my new year resolution... :-(

I have been travelling a lot in last few weeks which has disturbed my writing habits, Thoughts are there but no time to jolt it down.

Had really great time in Bangalore last whole week. Enjoyed it to the fullest, dined in different cuisines, spent great time with colleagues as well as friends there.

This time my bangalore trip was longer than the earlier one so was able to communicate with everyone properly and spend some quality time with them.

After coming back here in Mumbai I don't feel like at home, I am missing Namma Bengaluru... When I was there I did not like it and when I am here I am missing it... The rule of life is applicable here too... Grass is always greener on the other side..

Hope I get over this nostalgia soon...

PS: Thanks to all old friends for the awesome pot-lunch party :-) We should organize such get-togethers more often.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Limited Network connectivity...

Limited Network connectivity... @Bangalore Deployment Center...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

और दूँ मैं बस मुस्कुरा...

कभी समझो तुम कुछ नही..
और करता रहूँ मैं बाते अथाह...
कभी ना कहूँ मैं कुछ...
फिर भी चाहो तुम समझना...
हर पल करो कोशिश जानने की ...
और पाओ खुदको उसी उलझन मे उलझा...
कभी लगे तुम जानो सब कुछ...
जैसे तुम हो खुदा...
और कभी तुम ना करो
बिल्कुल भी मेरी परवाह...
बैचैन होकर तुम कहो मुझे पागल
और दूँ मैं बस मुस्कुरा...

कभी मैं कहूँ तुमसे बहुत कुछ...
ना जानू खुद उसका फलसफा...
पर हर उस बात में जो मैं लिखूं..
है मेरे मन की अवस्था...
और हर वो बात जो मैं कहूँ...
वो है मेरे मन की व्यथा...
तुम जानना चाहो उसे...
पर देख ना पाओ वो पूरा जलसा...
तुम देखो मेरे वो छिन्न भिन्न स्वरूप..
और पाओ खुद को ठगा हुआ...
बैचैन होकर तुम कहो मुझे पागल
और दूँ मैं बस मुस्कुरा...

कभी ना दूँ मैं तुम्हारे सवाल का जवाब...
और कभी करूँ तुम्हे गुमराह...
हैरान से तुम सोचो...
कैसा है ये इनसाँ...
कभी लगूँ मैं श्रांत पथिक...
कभी लगूँ मैं उत्सुक इंसान..
कभी लगूँ मैं संतुष्ट प्राणी...
कभी लगूँ मैं जिद्दी शैतान...
कभी लगूँ मैं एकदम परिपक्व...
कभी लगूँ मैं बिल्कुल नादान...
न तुम जानो कैसे समझो मुझे...
और स्वीकारो अपनी विफलता...
बैचैन होकर तुम कहो मुझे पागल
और दूँ मैं बस मुस्कुरा...

ख़त्म होगा ये खेल तब...
जब शायद मैं थक जाऊँ...
या ख़त्म होगा ये तब...
जब शायद तुम चले जाओ...
तब तक हर साँस मे...
मुझे पाओगे तुम...
हर कहे लफ़्ज मे ...
अपना एहसास पाओगे तुम...
जानते हो की ये पहेली...
रहेगी अब उनसुलझी सदा...
फिर क्यों तलाश कर रहे...
हम अपनी ज़िंदगी का फलसफा...
बैचैन होकर तुम कहो मुझे पागल
और दूँ मैं बस मुस्कुरा...

द्वारा - सौरभ बजाज

No updates...

I know it has been long time since this space is updated, But I am unable to do so because of my extensive travels and work commitments.

Will try to update it as soon as possible...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Its Holi Time...

Happy Holi to all of you...

I have not played Holi at the fullest as I used to play. Reason is none of my dear friends are in the town for it, My Big B is also not here and there is an excuse for saving water too.

We played Dry Holi with gulaal and enjoyed in the best possible way we can ;-)

Return journey is scheduled for evening again with the same group but this time I have confirmed seat and luckily most of them also got, So not much adjustments required.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Another Fine day...

As always I visited Mahakaleshwar temple last night with my parents. Today in the morning I visited Chintaman Ganesh temple. Whenever I am in town I always visit these 2 places. These places provides me the energy to sustain in this competitive and cut-throat world.

In the afternoon visited Indore for the another phase of my work.

In the evening visited my friend cum sister Shruti, whom I met after 3-4 months.

After coming from there I watched Indo-Pak Hocky world Cup match... It was awesome.. Any competition between India and Pakistan creates so much buzz and thrill that you can not escape it. I believe even non-hockey believers would have also enjoyed it.

The thrashing by 4-1 made it special.. I liked it...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Trip To Indore...

After reaching home from the eventful train trip I have gone to Indore for some work. I was driving new A-Star on newly built highway between Ujjain and Indore. Although it is not built completely but still the stretches those are built provide me enough space to reach upto the 100 kmph mark :-)

The construction is in progress and hope to get it end in few months, after that Ujjain-Indore drive will become like moving from one suburb to the other.

Spent whole day in Indore and came back to Ujjain in the evening.

I went for some work in Indore and that was not completed fully so have to travel tomorrow as well...

Friday, February 26, 2010

My Social Network...

Yeah my social network is big enough :-) I had waiting ticket to go to Ujjain but once again because of this I got berth not only to sit but to sleep as well. 

I was traveling with my juniors who passed out from college 3 years later than me but still I was able to struck the cord very well with them. We were in all 7 people and we had 3 confirmed berths. We all managed on those 3 berths :-D

Had lots of chats with them regarding the college, Teachers, TCS. They have recently joined TCS and it was their first trip to hometown in the most lively train known as Avantika. I was giving them enough guidance how to enjoy the travel from Mumbai to Ujjain/Indore. 

It was great fun to be with and it added more feathers in my social network...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Final Note...

15 Final note
Learning of SNMPV3 without professional help may cause headache, diarrhea, intestinal cramps, loss of
vision or all of the above.

This is the thought we all are having while developing the new feature. Yes I agree SNMP v3 is one of the most difficult although the name say Simple Network Management Protocol but it is not at all simple ;-)

Will try to get this done without getting any of the above problems :-)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The GOD of Cricket...

Aaj Diwali hai, sakshat bhagwaan ne apni maya ka pradarshan kiya hai, mithaiyo baato, patakhe jalao aur bolo, Bhagwaan Sachin ki Jai ho, Jai ho, Jai ho :-)

He is the GOD of Cricket...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I am busy...

Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing.
-- Thomas A. Edison

Monday, February 22, 2010

My Tarrot Cards...

Monday, February 22
Ace of Wands
A pure form of energy that has entered your life. Divinity is at hand and can be used to begin a new venture in business. Health. Courage. Simplicity. A new idea that needs planning now. It is time to do something you have always wanted to do in your career. Prospects are good for individual enterprise. Your thoughts and work can be valued now.

Tuesday, February 23
Five of Swords Reversed
Feeling that you are standing alone in the fight. Others no longer support the same cause. Us vs. them mentality. Gain of friendship and camaraderie. Time to concentrate on yourself and your own goals. Selfishness. Others' concerns no longer your cause. A power p...lay is at work. Boastful. You are trying to raise yourself up in others' eyes only to look a fool. Stop asking for others' approval

Most Relaxing Trip...

Completed my trip to Namma Bengalooru. It was a small trip to this beautiful city.

Last night after stepping down on my BIAL (Bengalooru International Airport Ltd.) My first reaction was.. "Yes this is my second home." And I fell in love with the city once again. I don't know what this omen means... There was no plan for me to visit here and just few days ago I had written the post about my love for this city.

I have met with Ashi, Pavan and spent quality time with them. Slept at around 3 AM but I have commitments to fulfill and have to meet lot of people in town. Woke up at 7 and had full day of greetings and meetings with my friends including college friends (Vinita, Vivek) Office friends (Jane-Cherry, Ambili-Kaushal) and relative (Rahul). 

Thanks to all for making my this trip wonderful and beautiful... It has been one of most relaxing trip for me... The sudden plan and the pleasure to meet Ashi and Pavan after 2 years made it awesome..

PS: This was my visit to Bengalooru after exactly 13 months and 13 days.
PPS: posting this blog on 22nd Feb,2010 as an entry for 21st Feb, 2010.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Unexpected Journey....

Yeah It's an early morning for me on weekends, Last night slept early (1:00 AM :-P ). Got up around 9 AM. Prepared breakfast. "NE Connectivity Loss" Clear alarm is received i.e. my net is up and running again, there was some problem in the modem put up on our building.

Planning to visit some place in Mumbai probably "Hanging gardens".

Talking to the other idiot S2, He is confused about his travel plans and we are discussing about it, I am searching the options for C2 and S2 both.

Time is 1:30 PM and here comes the finalized travel plan for S2 and me, I am traveling to Bangalore :-) within 3 hours, making the flight bookings. Never ever had this sudden plan of visiting any place... I am loving it...

This one is for you "Ashi" (S2).

Boarded the flight at 1810 and reached at 2000 hrs.

The reference to all the idiots is here (and previous post) because they are the driving force of my life, I am here to give them the pleasure at any point of time at any cost. I may ask questions about the tasks but I can go beyond the limits to make it happen...

PS: posting this blog on 22nd Feb,2010 as an entry for 20th Feb, 2010.

Friday, February 19, 2010

NE Connectivity Loss...

Today my network connection is not working, seems to be some server problem. What the hell, spoiling my Friday night... Not much to do... On phones with my Idiots (refer to3 + 3 Idiots... ), S1 is having some problem with her browser she wants to give some compulsory tests but the particular test page is not opening. Did all the possible configurations still its not working. C2 is also having problems with net and want to search for the options for her itinerary to the hometown, unable to help.

In the morning had discussion with C3 regarding an outing on the weekend but the plan did not succeed because of some reasons. I take it as omen that we will not be going to another outing without C1 :-) Although C1 is unreachable at this point of time, hope to hear from him soon.

PS: NE Connectivity Loss is the name of alarm we raise when our equipment goes out of network.
PPS: posting this blog on 22nd Feb,2010 as an entry for 19th Feb, 2010.
PPPS: Omens are meant to be understood and resolved, read further posts...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bangalore vs. Mumbai

The title may not suggest the appropriate contents of this blog-post, but yes this is the main thing that comes in my mind whenever I wander through my inner thoughts about my past.

It has been discussed many times with my friends, family and peers and it is true that I am in love with Bangalore. I do not say that Mumbai is not good but for some reasons, personally I feel like not being able to grasp the Mumbai spirit.

When I was in Bangalore I used to get lot of time to spend on myself and my extracurricular activities but after coming here I became so lazy that I don't want to do anything. After coming from office I am so exhausted that I just see the relaxation point. May be Mumbai’s humidity and surroundings are the reason for it. I do not go for walks during daytime after lunch neither I go for early morning nor evening walks. In Bangalore although it was not a hard and fast rule, but I used to go for the walks at-least 3-4 days in a week. Also our group used to go for post-lunch walks in office. Probably this is one of the reasons for putting on lot of weight.

I shifted to Powai in Mumbai so that at-least I will get some catalyst to go for the walks but to no avail. I am still that much lethargic, even I feel more because my office commuting distance is increased.

I hope to get solution for this soon and come back on track ... :-)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Office Diary...

Today it was very relaxing day at my office, My system was not working properly, So I was unable to perform my daily assigned tasks...Yippie... But it has also been sad thing for me because I got some urgent work to be completed and far that I have lost one day....

Hope that my system gets up and running soon, So that I can move on with my work and maintain my highly appreciated quality of delivering the solutions on time with high preciseness....

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Want To Go Back...

A forwarded mail making my blog-post :

I Want To Go Back To The Time
When DAD Was The Only HERO,
When The Only Thing That Could HURT Were BLEEDING KNEES,
Not The TEARS Falling Down Your Cheeks.
When The Only Things BROKEN Were TOYS,
Life Has Changed A Lot. And The People Too.
But The Thing Is That We Don’t Want To Accept It!

Monday, February 15, 2010

After Effect of Valentine's day

"Jo hame chahiye, use hum nahi chahiye, jise hum chahiye wo kise chahiye..."

It definitely seems to be after effect of Valentine's day... Just the day after it i.e. on 15th Feb I have to use this dialogue 5 times to different persons... Can you believe it... The same situation every-time :-)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day...

Happy Valentine's Day to all..

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Full timepass... Chatted with lot of friends... Read Novel "Shantaram"... watched TV... Made halwa in the evening... In all a great day...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Enjoy time...

Today, It was pretty relaxing day... Not much work to do in office... No peer pressure... Had lot of fun today...
Also played cricket in parking lot :-D... One tip out... I am reliving those old days... Also uploaded pics on orkut and FB for my trip to Shikharji and Puri...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy Appy...

Today's post is for one of my good friend, Apeksha. She has been selected by LnT Infotech through campus placements. But due to recession the joining date hasnt come. She has worked hard in this duration of 1.5 years. Completed her certifications. I believe this has provided her the time to boost her profile although she had become low in the confidence. But her hardwork has paid off and she got joining on 5th March.

In life we see lots of ups and downs, sometimes we get things so easily that we don't care about it and we don't know how much it can be important for others. If she would have got the joining earlier she would not have been that happy and excited as she was today, calling upto everyone and giving the news.

I am damn happy for you. Enjoy... God bless you...

I am Happy Appy...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

कैसी है ये उदासी छाई...

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कैसी है ये उदासी छाई, मेरे दिल
कैसी गहरी है ये तन्हाई, मेरे दिल
राहों में यादों की खामोशी बरसे
आँखों में जो गुम है, आँसू को तरसे
ये बता ये क्यूँ हुआ
बुझ गया, क्यूँ हर दीया
कैसी है ये उदासी छाई, मेरे दिल

हू जो भी मिला, वो खो गया
तुझको पता है ऐसा ही सदा होता है
जाना ही था वो जो गया, दिल तू अकेला ऐसे क्यूँ भला रोता है
भूले जो हैं अब तुझको अब उनको भूल जा तू भी
वरना मेरे साथ यादों के ज़ख़्म खा तू भी
मान जा, ए दिल मेरे
भूल जा, शिकवे गीले
कैसी है ये उदासी छाई

हू तू ही बता ए दिल मेरे
मैने तो हमेशा तेरा ही कहा माना है
क्यूँ है मुझे ये गम घेरे
मुझे उमर क्या बस यही सज़ा पाना है
सपने बोए मैने और दर्द मैने है काटे
गाए गीत मैने और पाए मैने सन्नाटे
आरज़ू नाकाम है
सूनी सी हर शाम है
कैसी है ये उदासी छाई, मेरे दिल
कैसी गहरी है ये तन्हाई, मेरे दिल

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Nothing to say....

No thoughts coming into my mind as of now... It is clogged up because of some unwanted thoughts put up in my mind by some unwanted person and have to be in office till late hours :-(

Monday, February 8, 2010

मैंने शांति नहीं जानी है ...

मैंने शांति नहीं जानी है  !
त्रुटि कुछ है मेरे अन्दर भी ,
त्रुटि कुछ है मेरे बाहर भी ,
दोनों को त्रुटि हीन बनाने की मैंने मन में ठानी है  !
मैंने शांति नहीं मानी है !
आयु बिता दी यत्नों में लग ,
उसी जगह मैं , उसी जगह जग ,
कभी - कभी सोचा करता अब , क्या मैंने की नादानी है  !
मैंने शांति नहीं जानी है  !

पर निराश होऊं किस कारण ,
क्या पर्याप्त नहीं आशवासन ?
दुनिया से मानी , अपने से मैंने हार नहीं मानी  है  !
मैंने शांति नहीं जानी है

- हरिवंश राय बच्चन

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Best Gift for Life...

You might have seen this in yout orkut fortune, But when I saw this is Calvin & Hobbes Strip I became speechless, Yes this is THE BEST GIFT for Life... I am loving it... :-)

PS: I am big fan of Calving & Hobbes and I have registered for daily comic strip of them, Got this one in today's mail :-)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Everything is settled...

I have moved from Andheri to Hiranandani Gardens, Powai... For last one week I was not properly settled, Also I was having problem in adjusting to the new surroundings along with prolonged commuting to office. But this weekend means today I got everything settled. All the baggages have been unpacked and restored at their proper positions. All unwanted things moved inside.

Also we got cook for the weekdays dinner and both time meals on weekends :-)

I am loving it...

Friday, February 5, 2010

Aall Izzz Well...

Sometimes in life, we do not get satisfied with what we have or what we get. Probably I am going through that phase. The urge to get more and more is making me greedy. On the other hand, I am feeling stagnated and do not want to try achieve anything...
Don't know what kind of dilemma is this, Hope to get over soon with this...

Aall Izzz Welll, this will go away soon...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

तेरे मेरे साथ जो होता है...

तेरे मेरे साथ जो होता है...
बात समझ में आती नहीं...
तेरे मेरे साथ जो होता है...
सबके साथ वो होता नहीं...
जब सारा जग ही सोता है...
फिर नींद हमें क्यूँ आती नहीं...
हे ओ एय एय, इंतेज़ार में तेरी हूँ होके ज़रूर आए...
हे ओ एय एय, इस बहाने अब मेरा चाँद लेके नूर आए...
कुछ लम्हों के लिए है यहाँ ज़रूर...
कोई भी रहा नहीं यहाँ पे बेकसूर...
जब दुनिया को देखूं लगे सतरंगीं...
सच्चा भी या झूठा भी या खुश गम भी...
दिल वालों ने, सही मानो दिल दिया होगा...
दिल वालों ने, कुछ ऐसा ही किया होगा...

ला ला ला ला ला ला...
ला ला ला ला ला, ला ला ला...
ला ला ला ला ला ला...
ला ला ला ला...
करता नहीं मैं तुझसे कोई दिल्लगी...
अच्‍छा हूँ या बुरा हूँ मैं हूँ यूँही सही...
प्यार तेरा जाना मैने दिल दे दिया...
तुझसे बिछड के मैं जाऊँगा कहाँ...
हे ओ एय एय, इंतेज़ार में तेरी हूँ होके ज़रूर आए...
हे ओ एय एय, इस बहाने अब मेरा चाँद लेके नूर आए...
हे ओ एय एय, हे ओ एय एय, हिया ओ आ...
हे ओ एय एय, हे ओ एय एय, हिया ओ आ...
हे ओ एय एय, हे ओ एय एय, हिया ओ आ...
हे ओ एय एय, हे ओ एय एय, हिया ओ आ...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Trip diary in short...

24th Jan, 2010:
Day1 is about to over, everything going as usual. Met with relatives in Saugor and Bhopal. We are having 4 seats in one compartment and 1 at other, The other 2 with the 4 are showing us rules dat in the daytime the middle seats shouldn't be opened as they are having lower births and they wanna sit on both. Why people are so rigid while traveling. Train is almost delayed by 2 hours, will be reaching Parasnath station around 4 or so.

25th Jan, 2010:
Reached Parasnath station at 5 AM, directly heading towards Madhuban, the base place for the shikharji Hillock. Got the accommodation. 10 AM and we are starting for the hillock, we decided to climb the hillock and perform half yatra and then stay in the Rest house (Dak Bangla) situated on the top of hillock. we reached the first Temple (Chopra Kund) at 2 PM i.e. 9 KMs covered in almost 4 hrs. Starting the half yatra from Gautam Gandhar Tonk towards Parasnath Tonk at 2:30 PM.  Reached Dak Bangla around 5 PM. No electricity, very rare Mobile network access, Mobile batteries getting discharged and the same with Digicam, its good that we are having 2 Digicams to have the backup :-).
Had dinner and slept around 6:30 PM, its so cold here with very less amenities. temperature is around 2-3 C. We all woke up after sometime thinking that its morning now but the watch showed us time as only 11:30PM :-)

26th Jan, 2010:
Slept again and woke up at 5 in the morning, got ready and started at 7 AM for the full yatra of 10 Kms and going down (another 9 KMs) on the same day. completed full yatra around 2 PM. started to descend down and reached 6:30 PM. It became very dark at around 5:30 PM and people who have been shikharji will be knowing what it means to walk in dark in that area. Fortunately the moon was more than half in its size and the night was very much brightened to show us the path, there were places with big trees where moon-light was unreachable there we had to use the Torch.
So in all we covered around 35-36 Kms in 1 and half day and that too barefooted. But it was divine power that made us to do so.

27th Jan, 2010:
We visited all the temples in the Madhuban in the morning, We are having train for Puri in night around 11 PM. But the train is delayed because of fog and will be starting 7 hrs delayed from New Delhi, It means we will get it in the early morning on 28th. We have only 2 days 28th and 29th for Puri. We reached Parasnath in the evening around 6 PM because no traveling is allowed in this region after 5 PM due to the terror of robbers. After reaching the Parasnath we came to know that the train might be delayed more, we got other option of Purushottam express which is running 15 hrs late and suppose to arrive Parasnath in night around 12. We decided to board the train without reservation and adjust it in the train itself.

28th Jan, 2010:
This train started getting more delayed and reached at morning 6:40 AM, Our initial train was delayed indefinitely and supposed to come late in the evening. So we boarded purushottam Express and talked with TC and fortunately got births in 3 AC. The whole day was spent in traveling and we reached Puri in the night around 10 PM. so one day of our Puri stay got lost. Got settled in bhaiya's IOC Guest house. With the help of one of my colleague we booked cab for next whole day for Bhubaneshwar, Konark and Puri visit.

29th Jan, 2010:
We started at around 8 AM for the whole day trip. Went to Dhauli Spiti (Peace Pagoda), the place where King Asoka got the idea of leaving the battle and follow Buddhism. After that we went to Lingraj Temple, famous temple for HariHar Milan. Its very old temple and very serene too. Then we visited Udaygiri and Khandagiri, This place is having Jain influence too, visited all the caves. The caves are having sculptures of Kalinga Yuddh and also the place for meditation used by Jain Monks in earlier days. After this we visited Sun temple of Konark. Then we headed back to Puri, reached around 5 PM and then went to sea Beach for the sunset. Being the Eastern part of India the view of Sunset was not that great, but what we saw that one side the Sun was setting down and the other side Moon was coming to its full Glory, later on we came to know that it was one of those days when the satellite was the nearest to Earth. Came back around 7 PM from there and headed for Jagannath Puri, This time there was not much crowd and we had Darshan only in 15 minutes.
Came back to Guest house and saw all the pics in TV.

30th Jan, 2010:
Started at around 6 AM for the BBSR airport, Bhaiya-Bhabhi had flight at 9:50 AM and we had flight for Mumbai at 12:50 PM. Reached Mumbai at 3 PM.

And this was the end of my spiritual trip, People who are following me will be knowing how much it meant to me...

PS: all these were in my mobile but bcoz of rare access and tiredness I wasn't able to update

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Going through Inertia... Will come back soon...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Last phase of journey...

Sitting on BBSR airport, d last phase of week long journey is flite to BOM. Lot of blogging days hav been msd in dis jrny, i wil update it once i reach mumbai.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


about to reach puri, train delayed by 15 hrs, 1 day left 4 puri, more updates later.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

23rd Jan, 2010

Starting of d trip isnt great but yes eventful. Wil b updating blog in sms lingo n short sentence...
-Reached ujn in RAC widout much sleep.
-bhaiya's train got delayed by more than 12 hrs. So he took another train n came at 2 pm to nagda n ujn at 4 pm widout any sleep.
-our train to shikharji was at 12:40 night. It is ontime til now.
-i am not wel, having severe attack of cough, had vomiting, i am nt liking it dat evrybdy hav problem bcoz of me :-(

Friday, January 22, 2010

Long Vacation...

I am going for my long awaited vacation to Puri and Sammed Shikharji, a jain pilgrimage.
I have taken off for whole next week, so will be having limited access to net. I will try to keep my resolution by posting through mobile, pertaining to mobile connectivity.
I started my journey to spirituality today morning itself by visiting Sidhdhi Vinayak early morning at 5. It was so calm and serene, it didnt take much time too. I did whole darshan in just 15 mins.
Have a nice time folks...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Time To Relax...

After a long time, it was the day full of relax (although some intruders tried to make it hell ;-) but who cares... ). Went home early, nothing to do so played Fifa 2006 on my laptop for around 3 hours, Made France World champion by beating Brazil 3-0 in semis and Spain 4-1 in Finals :-)

Enjoyed it a lot :-)...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Attitude...

I never say anything bad about myself.
Not because I believe I'm perfect.
I've enough People around me to speak on that Topic...

For few people I have always been reluctant to show my attitude but its time for fire shower, the venom of scorpio is about to spill...


Tuesday, January 19, 2010


यह एल्बम मेरे लिए कुछ ख़ास हैं क्योंकि इसमे समाविष्ट है एक कवि के सोचने की दृष्टि, एक कवि का हृदय और एक कवि की संवेदना. यह गीत इसलिए भी ख़ास है क्योंकि इसमे उन सभी लोगो का समागम है जिन्हें मैं हमेशा से चाहता रहा हूँ - अटलजी, अमिताभ बच्चन, जगजीत सिंग और शाहरुख ख़ान...

ज़िंदगी की शोर, राजनित की आपाधापी, रिश्तों नातो की गलियों और क्या खोया क्या  पाया के बाज़ारो से आगे, सोच के रास्ते पर कहीं एक ऐसा नुक्कड आता है जहाँ पहुँच कर इंसान एकाकी हो जाता है. तब, जाग उठता है एक कवि. फिर शब्दों के रंगों से जीवन की अनोखी तस्वीरें बनती हैं, कविताएँ और गीत, सपनों की तरह आते हैं और काग़ज़ पर हमेशा के लिए अपना घर बना लेते हैं.

अटल जी की ये कविताएँ, ऐसे ही पल, ऐसे ही क्षणो में लिखी गयी हैं, जब सुनने वाले और सुनाने वाले में, तुम और मैं की दीवारें टूट जाती है, दुनिया की सारी धड़कने सिमट कर एक दिल में आ जाती हैं, और कवि के शब्द दुनिया के हर संवेदनशील इंसान के शब्द बन जाते हैं.

क्या खोया, क्या पाया जग में
मिलते और बिछुड़ते मग में
मुझे किसी से नहीं शिकायत
यद्यपि छला गया पग-पग में
एक दृष्टि बीती पर डालें, यादों की पोटली टटोलें!
अपने ही मन से कुछ बोलें!

पृथ्वी लाखों वर्ष पुरानी
जीवन एक अनन्त कहानी
पर तन की अपनी सीमाएँ
यद्यपि सौ शरदों की वाणी
इतना काफ़ी है अंतिम दस्तक पर, खुद दरवाज़ा खोलें!
अपने ही मन से कुछ बोलें!

जन्म-मरण का अविरत फेरा
जीवन बंजारों का डेरा
आज यहाँ, कल कहाँ कूच है
कौन जानता किधर सवेरा
अंधियारा आकाश असीमित,प्राणों के पंखों को तौलें!
अपने ही मन से कुछ बोलें!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Magic Fortune...

Have been extremely busy in office now-a-days... Not getting enough time to think and put down thoughts... So here are some my Facebook Magic Fortunes.. Most of them are coming correct, If not I am trying to make so ;-)

"When in doubt, let your instincts guide you."
"A challenge will bring forth your finest abilities."
"You will spend the rest of your life with the man (or woman) of your dreams."
"You will touch the hearts of many." 
"Merge your spirit life and your work." 
"Your co-workers take pleasure in your great sense of creativity"
"A gift you make will bring great pleasure to others."
"Your conscience will guide you in making a big decision."

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mumbai Marathon 2010...

Had a great time in Mumbai Marathon 2010. We as a group every year volunteer for the Wheel Chair Event in Mumbai Marathon. The fund raised by this is donated for the education of 2 kids in Nandurbar district of Maharashtra. This time we were in all 11 volunteers. Our main activity was to guide all the wheel chair participants and their attendees to proper location in Holding area, the area where all people are gathered before the race. Then moving them towards the start line, called as Line-Up Process. Then after the flag-down move back to finish line and greet them at the end of the race and move them back to the Holding area for refreshments and sent-off.

Although they all were not physically fit but their mental strength and enthusiasm was so high so that they can beat the normal people. A usual smile to them is returned back with a warm smile and sometimes with warm hug too... I enjoyed a lot with them...

Also we had Genelia D'souza as the celebrity for wheel chair event. So it was like icing on the cake... Uploaded few of my pics on the picasa which can be accessed here...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

अब मुझे कोई इंतेज़ार कहाँ...

जिन दिनो आप थे, आँख में धूप थी...
जिन दिनो आप रहते थे, आँख में धूप रहती थी...
अब तो जाले ही जाले हैं, वे भी जाने वाले हैं...
वो जो था दर्द का क़रार कहाँ...
वो जो था दर्द का क़रार कहाँ...
अब मुझे कोई इंतेज़ार कहाँ...
वो जो बहते थे आब्शार कहाँ...
अब मुझे कोई इंतेज़ार कहाँ...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Feeling Relaxed...

Feeling relaxed after slogging for last few days... Had high work pressure and greater responsibilities... The output seems to come out as great, Still has to be passed by more scrutiny... As Ganesha says, "Scorpions are stubborn". I have always been stubborn about the highest quality work to be done for anything I do. I create my own standards and have to stand on it...

Tomorrow is again a working weekend but I am fine if it gives me more satisfaction...

Lot of things are in pipeline for upcoming days... Lets see how things fold out...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Photolog Update...

Not getting enough time to update this blog. New pics uploaded at my photolog.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Extremely Busy...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

1 Year @ Alphion...

Today on 12th Jan, 2010, I have completed 1 year @ Alphion Communications. It was a very steep learning curve and I am proud that I have done reasonably well. A great team to work with, very good visibility with Management, Appreciation duely honoured and lots of fun are few of the long list of Pros working here...

Few pics for today's celebration:

My Instincts...

My yesterday's Facebook fortune says, "When in doubt, let your instincts guide you". My whole life I did the same and it gave me all the things perfectly but I am afraid to use my instincts now. Yesterday onwards Almighty is showing me lots of Omens and I am trying to decipher the bad and the good ones.

Blogging at morning 5 is an unusual thing for me but a nightware woke me up and made me restless. I hope my instincts do not betray me and give me the comfort as always....

Monday, January 11, 2010

दिल तो बच्चा है जी...

New song from Ishqiya, I am in love with it...

ऐसी उलझी नज़र उनसे हटती नहीं...
दाँत से रेशमी डोर कटती नहीं ...
उम्र कब की बरस के सुफैद हो गयी...

कारी बदरी जवानी की छटती नहीं...
वल्लाह यह धड़कन बढ़ने लगी है ...
चेहरे की रंगत उड़ने लगी है ...

डर लगता है तन्हा सोने में जी...

दिल तो बच्चा है जी...
दिल तो बच्चा है जी...
थोड़ा कच्चा है जी...
हाँ ...
दिल तो बच्चा है जी....

ऐसी उलझी नज़र उनसे हटती नहीं ...
दाँत से रेशमी डोर कटती नहीं ...
उम्र कब की बरस के सुफैद हो गयी...

कारी बदरी जवानी की छटती नहीं...

ता रा रा... ता रा रा... रा रा रा...
ता रा रा... ता रा रा... रा रा रा...
ता रा रा... ता रा रा... रा रा रा...

किसको पता था पहलू में रक्खा...
दिल ऐसा बागी भी होगा...
हम तो हमेशा समझते थे....
कोई हम जैसा हाजी ही होगा....
हाए ज़ोर करे कितना शोर करे....
बेवजह बातों में एँवेँ गौर करे....

दिल सा कोई कमीना नही...
कोई तो रोके...
कोई तो टोके...
इस उम्र में अब...
खाओगे धोखे...
डर लगता है इश्क़ करने में जी...

दिल तो बच्चा है जी...
दिल तो बच्चा है जी...
थोड़ा कच्चा है जी...
हाँ ...
दिल तो बच्चा है जी...

ऐसी उदासी बैठी है दिल पे...
हँसने से घबरा रहे हैं...
सारी जवानी कतरा के काटी...
बीड़ी में टकरा गये हैं...

दिल धड़कता है तो...
ऐसे लगता है वो...

आ रहा है यहीं...
देखता ही ना हो...

प्रेम की मारे कटार रे...
तौबा यह लम्हे कटते नही क्यूँ...
आँखों से मेरे हटते नही क्यूँ...
डर लगता है खुद से कहने में जी ...

दिल तो बच्चा है जी...
दिल तो बच्चा है जी...
थोड़ा कच्चा है जी...
दिल तो बच्चा है जी...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Network connectivity again...

I am back with network connection at my home...

Tikona Network Team really sucks... They don't know how to treat customers... Their service is the worst I have ever faced... I have had connections with Airtel, BSNL, Reliance and TataIndicom. First time I thought of trying a new service provider, But as one of friend said, the most important aspect of service has to be taken care by everybody...

I am happy to move back to TataIndicom Broadband connection, at-least it provides me the uninterrupted connectivity that I need.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Working weekend...

I hate working on weekends :-(

Today it was one such day but my commitment to work did not let others down and in future too it will never happen. The appreciation mail from team head made my day :-)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Thoughts about me...

I got this SMS,
"Think of me for 5 seconds and send me the 1st thing that comes into your mind except my name. Do Reply, Whatever comes 1st without hesitation send it..."

I forwarded this to few of my friends and got some wonderful words:
  1. Very charming, caring, sweet and decent. Lucky would be the gal who will marry you.
  2. Innocent guy.
  3. A sincere guy.
  4. Genius
I would like if the readers of this blog will also put their reply to this SMS in the comments... 

Thursday, January 7, 2010

1 year in Mumbai...

Today its 7th Jan and I have completed 1 year in Mumbai. Last year have been pretty good for me professionaly, will be completing 1 year in Alphion on 12th.

PS: Same date last year Ramalinga Raju confessed his fraud.

PPS: My net is still not up :-(

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Taqdeer ne jaise chaha dhal gaye hum,
yu to sambhal ke chale the phir bhi fisal gaye hum.

Apna yakin he ki duniya badal gayi,
par sabka khyal he ki badal gaye hum.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Normal Day...

Today was a fine and uneventful day. Still struggling through my new internet connection Tikona Networks, it is wireless Broadband connection based on 4G networks. It works out well if gets connected but my premises is having some signal problem, so the connection is getting lost frequently.

Next few days are going to be busy, lot of trainings and audit are scheduled in next 2-3 days. Some high priority work is also coming, So I am all geared up...

Meanwhile have a look at my photolog.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Home Again...

After 8 days of living alone in the house, my room-mates came back yesterday from their long vacations. Although I liked the solitude in those days, I had freedom to do things as I wanted but last night when we got together we had delicious homemade snacks, ordered food from outside, had long chat sessions, discussed about different things and watched movie "Ek Chaalis Ki Last Local" :-).. In all it felt great like Home Again...

PS: Was unable to update blog because of internet problem... Updating it as the blog for 4th Jan, 2010...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

3 + 3 Idiots...

3 Idiots... No this post is not about the controversy the nation is currently indulged in... It’s about IDIOTS in my life...

Whole my life by God’s grace I have been surrounded with so many wonderful and beautiful friends. Enjoyed a lot with them, learnt a lot from them and I am very thankful to all of them... But here in this post I would like to bestow my gratitude towards, so called, idiots in my life... (I’m going to hurt lot of people for not making them in this list, but they will agree with it).

If you have seen the movie then this word is not about the mental level of people but about the practicality of life, friendship, knowledge and passion to do something... I tried hard to find those 3 idiots in my life but unable to do so... So I divided my life in two parts, school life and college life...

So my 3 idiots from school life are (Not in any sequence, can’t push my heart and mind further):

1.Priyadarshana aka Moti: This girl has been with me for last 13-14 years, extremely talented writer, full of energy and very spiritual. We had our great time in school for debate, extempore, plays etc. And then first of year of graduation too. She is one of my biggest critics; she knows my strength and weakness very well. I can always walk up to her and she will lend her ears to hear me and find out the solution for it. She says that she is afraid of me don’t know why... Anyways Moti have a wonderful and bright future... Your sweet little Bro is always here for YOU...
2.Ashish aka Ashi: What to say about this person, I know him from Nursery class and we were one of those few people who studied for whole school life together, But we both never studied in same section at any point of time. He is one of the most active, naughty, but an intelligent and brilliant guy of our group. We were the flag bearers of mischievous clan in our school, played football together for school, worked for different school organization committees and bunked classes officially for these things ;-). We miss all that now. He stays far away from me physically but mentally we both are together at any point of time can share anything with him and He is always at his best to help you out, sometimes going out of the bounds to achieve it.... in last 20 years we have seen many shades of life together and I wish that this will keep on going...
3.Shruti aka Bubbly: Yes I call her by this name, Bubbly, she is so effervescent in life, In earlier days of our friendship she used to be very silent and introvert. I know her for last 13-14 years and I have seen lot of transformation in her. Now she heads an academy for journalists, the occupation which needs lot of energy and interaction. Being youngest in our group, she is still like a child and constantly looks upon us for the advices. She gets upset easily and there is the point when we have to pitch in... But she is mentally so strong that every time she proves all of us wrong :-) Be like that always and win the hearts and battle of life...

Now it’s about the idiots in my college life... (Again not in any sequence)
1.Shreyans aka SHM: Shreyans is one of the person with whom I started my journey of engineering, he has got enough talent and charm to please people around him. Somehow he seems to be a very show-off and flashy person, but when you spend time with him, you will come to know how down to earth he is.... A true gem to be owned in your friend list, always ready to hear about friends and help them out.... In his words, “I am the worst person in his life but he cannot get rid of me.” And he is true; I will never leave him :-) Shared most of my college life with him, so many told and untold things... He has seen one dream related to me and trying his level best to get that completed but we are never sure of it and now the line of the sight is getting thinner for it... But I hope what happens is for good only and this will too bring something good for us... Amen... You are one of my greatest buddies and will be forever.... Have a rocking life ahead....
2.Surabhi aka Pooja: Met this girl in mid of first semester in my engineering, She has such a persona that you cannot ignore her presence. She has been dull and unenthusiastic in her college life, but you can feel the aura she possesses. She has always been practical in her life, she knows what she wants to do and achieve. She is one of those friends who know me better than anyone. I can talk to her anything without any hesitation and we had spent most beautiful friendship in all these years... She has carried life’s burden with the utmost elegance and that’s what is most admiring in her... Although sometimes she become so irritated that you don’t have any way of consoling her and that’s the fear I have for her in future... Be patient, be calm the Almighty is doing everything for our best only... I wish you the best in life for each and every path you take...
3.Rahul aka Sharma: He is a very nice and charming boy, have lots of knowledge about both studies and life as well. "The life is to live" can easily be seen by his behaviour. His smiling and confident face reminds me that things are never easy in life; you have to cruise over them.... I don’t know what kind of relationship we share with each other? But I can say that it is far better than the friendship. We both never claimed to each other that we are the best or good friends, still we had shared each and every thing about our life to each other, even very minute things which nobody else know. I think this is "How friends are?" You never need to say it, it just happens.... Our friendship will remain forever and forever the same, the understanding without speaking any words... Be confident and you will always succeed in life...

I know the post has become very long and if you have come till this point you will know how much these people means for me.... I can write more about these people... Hats-off to all you 6 IDIOTS of my life... Wish you the best, I miss you all...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Movie Run..

It has been the best possible solution for spending my time while enjoying it too... In last 3 days I have watched 4 movies. Due to recent frequent visits here and there movies were on hold for me.. So completed the backlog in this long weekend.. Movies included Rocket Singh, 3 Idiots, Avatar and Gulal... No idea if I will go for something else tomorrow too ;-)

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year Resolution...

What's my New Year resolution? For last few days many of my friends or followers asking me rather complaining me about the disappearance of my blog. Sorry folks was going through "Writer's Block". So I took a resolution this year to update my this blog everyday. Some of the days may contain multiple posts and sometimes it can be one liner too... But I will try my level best to put some inputs on it daily... If you don't find my updates pinch me hard, nudge me harder...
न था कुछ तो, ख़ुदा था, कुछ न होता तो ख़ुदा होता
डुबोया मुझको होने ने, न होता मैं तो क्या होता!

हुआ जब ग़म से यूँ बेहिस, तो ग़म क्या सर के कटने का?
न होता गर जुड़ा तन से, तो ज़ानू पर धरा होता

हुई मुद्दत कि, 'ग़ालिब' मर गया, पर याद आता हैं
वह हर इक बात पर कहना, कि यूँ होता तो क्या होता?